The PERFECT presenter for the post-pandemic world!
This is the 1st testimonial letter I’ve written in 15 years of picking speakers for our national meetings (we do 3 a year). You absolutely nailed it for us! The audience (after a late night and long day) was with you every step of the way, and two curtain calls from 1000 people sums it up.
Joe Bourdow, President and CEO
ValPak International
In my 17 years as a rally producer, a speaker’s bureau and a full-time career planner for major heavyweights in the speaking industry, I’ve never seen so much talent rolled up into one person as I have with Billy Riggs. Billy has the ability to be as inspirational as Zig Ziglar all rolled up in one.
Juanel Teague, Speaking Coach
Dallas, Texas
If you have not heard Billy Riggs, you have not heard the best inspirational speaker of our times.
Roger Symonds, Superintendent of Facilities
Saranac Public Schools, Saranac, New York
Fantastic! Right when I needed it. Couldn’t be better! I’ve trained thousands of speakers over the past 20 years and I can be very critical, but you are bar-none the best speaker I’ve ever heard!
Terry Horton, Engineer and Consultant
FTN Environmental Associates, Little Rock, Arkansas
I am working on a Master’s Degree in Counseling. Two hours with Billy was worth 12+ hours of credit in graduate studies! [Billy Riggs] is college professor material!
Kay Lawrence, Teacher
Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
For more than fifty years I’ve worked with and heard almost every tremendous speaker in America. I rate Billy Riggs as one of the top five speakers in America! Billy is a total communicator. He’s entertaining, he’s knowledgeable, he’s fun, he’s thought-provoking. He’s the only speaker in the world whose recordings I’ve listened to 10 times!
The Late, Great Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, Speaker
Hall of Fame Motivational Speaker
I have attended scores of motivational speeches. WITHOUT A DOUBT YOU ARE LIGHT-YEARS AHEAD OF EVERYONE!
Allen B. Pease, Attorney
Black and Veatch Engineers
Billy Riggs is different from other speakers because he deals with all facets of life: personal life, family life, business life. A lot of speakers are one- dimensional, but Billy is so versatile that he deals in a number of dimensions, which makes it easy for him to communicate with any audience. Billy is hilarious, and that’s important, because people learn things faster and remember it longer when humor is mixed along with it.
The Late, Great Zig Ziglar, Motivator
The Greatest Motivational Speaker of All Time
Terrific! Very entertaining and motivational. Several of my key people who have been with me 8 or 9 years sought me out to tell me that yours was the best program we’ve ever had at our conference. I’m not just blowing smoke – I agree with them!
Gary Pincock, CEO Pennsylvania Division
The American Cancer Society
I am working on a Master’s Degree in Counseling. Two hours with Billy was worth 12+ hours of credit in graduate studies! Billy Riggs is college professor material!
Kay Lawrence, Teacher
Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Stellar evaluations or You Don't Pay!
Every Keynote comes with a free breakout AND an entertainment slot! (details)
NO ONE combines real content, practical training, heartfelt inspiration, natural hilarity and dazzling entertainment so seamlessly. And NO ONE provides more for your conference dollar (or even comes close!)
Billy Riggs provides more value for your conference budget!
Up to 3 programs for the price of one!