
Testimonial Category: A Few Representative Testimonials

Tyler Pierson

Tyler Pierson

We’ve held 300+ meetings since I founded Untyed. Billy Riggs is by far the most entertaining, thought provoking and inspirational speaker we have ever had present to Untyed.

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Angie Morgan

Angie Morgan

So entertaining I forgot I was learning!

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Kristin Quackenbush

Kristin Quackenbush

I saw you about 9 years ago and listened to your message. I was young and new to my sales career. You inspired me! Your message so impacted me that now I’m one of the top reps and full of confidence and energy!

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Bill Blair

Bill Blair

We just finished tabulating the surveys for the weekend — and the MJA members gave you one of the highest ratings we’ve ever experienced. We’ve been asking members to complete surveys for more than 20 years, and there is no question — there are always some who don’t believe that any presenter/entertainer deserves a rating […]

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Rebecca Huddle

Rebecca Huddle

The only word I can think of to describe Billy Riggs is “WOW!” He has the whole package. One minute he has you crying, the next minute laughing, and the magic is incredible. You leave believing you can accomplish anything! He did an amazing job with magic and inspiration and I am still getting rave […]

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Tiffany Fortier

Tiffany Fortier

Wow! Billy manages to stun the audience with seemingly impossible feats while conveying a positive, motivating, and pertinent message at the same time.

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Mary Mycka

Mary Mycka

Congratulations! Some of my toughest customers just ran up to me and said you were the best presentation we’ve ever had at our convention!

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Donna Whiteaker

Donna Whiteaker

Incredible! Billy doesn’t just hold the audience in the palm of his hands, he grabs them, shakes them, spins them around, and sets them down in a new and better place.

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Stewart Ellis-Myers

Stewart Ellis-Myers

I have studied about every speaker in this industry, and I cannot think of anyone who even comes close to Billy Riggs’ skills. He blew me away!

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Rob Renicker

Rob Renicker

Incredibly motivating and very entertaining. I’ve seen a lot of motivational speakers; none of them compares to Billy Riggs!

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