
Testimonial Category: Advertising and Marketing

Norma Castillo

Norma Castillo

It was excellent, fun and a memorable experience. Lots of fun and motivational.

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Teresa Tuttle

Teresa Tuttle

Very enjoyable!! Captivated the audience from beginning to end!! The most motivating program I’ve ever seen!

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Debbie Sauz

Debbie Sauz

Exciting, entertaining. Great to teaching the value of honesty and integrity. This would be motivation for any group.

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Robert P. Burke

Robert P. Burke

Without question your presentation was the highlight of our two day event! I heard nothing but RAVE REVIEWS from our managers and staff!

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D. Stewart

D. Stewart

Billy Riggs opened my eyes! Life is what you make of it. Not what life makes you into!

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Holly Wood

Holly Wood

Humorous, witty, cutting edge and fun.

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Ashley Wright

Ashley Wright

By far, the most motivational and entertaining program I have ever seen.

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Judie Brooks

Judie Brooks

“Fantastic” magical and real. The best motivating, self improving seminar I’ve ever seen.

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Joseph H. Bourdow

Joseph H. Bourdow

This may be the first testimonial letter I’ve written in 15 years of picking speakers for our national meetings (we do three a year). You absolutely nailed it for us! The audience (after a late night and long day) was with you every step of the way, and two curtain calls from 1000 people sums […]

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Teri Sweeney

Teri Sweeney

Very dynamic presentation! I am a changed person!! Thank you!

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