
Testimonial Category: Apartment or Property Leasing

Apartment/Property Leasing Clients/Housing

Apartment/Property Leasing Clients/Housing

• Allen and O’Hara • Waterfront Communities • DEI Communities • Essex Property Trust • Haley Communities • Apartment Assn of Tarrant County Texas • Assurant Specialty Properties • Property Management Assn. of Michigan • San Antonio Apartment Association • Many amenity communities

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Mary Beth Hays

Mary Beth Hays

Billy, your entire presentation was magical in its ability to deliver a message, and the message aligns with our company culture. So even though you’re a DISillusionist, I’m NOT disillusioned!

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Marilyn Dunsworth

Marilyn Dunsworth

Very entertaining. Laughter and education are a great combination.

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Vallie Harlan

Vallie Harlan

Billy kept my attention! Solid information delivered with humor and amazing illusions/magic. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

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Amber Foreman

Amber Foreman

He was overly excellent. Learned a lot of very informative and great information.

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Angela Roberson

Angela Roberson

Awesome job. Enjoyed the message and actually plan to apply the feelings of sales in my leasing efforts. Enjoyed getting cut in two, also!

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Kate Rounsley

Kate Rounsley

Entertaining, engaging, dynamic. A great speaker with an even better message.

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Joanna Gibbons

Joanna Gibbons

Simply wonderful!!! Very motivational! Made me feel very valuable. Wonderful speaking skills!

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Danny Hyche

Danny Hyche

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I’m dumbfounded and inspired!

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Andrea Byrd

Andrea Byrd

Absolute excellence. Heartfelt and informative. Wonderful advice on life, profession and passion.

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