
Testimonial Category: Auction and Auctioneers

Auctions/Auctioneer Clients

Auctions/Auctioneer Clients

• National Auctioneers Association • Minnesota State Auctioneers Association • Mountain State Auto Auctions

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Bart Kyte

Bart Kyte

Excellent presentation! Talking about overcoming the illusions of the mind was fantastic!

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John Schultz

John Schultz

Awesome! Best keynote we’ve ever had! Quietest this room has ever been. Very engaging, topical, and hilarious!

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Susan Ediger-Johnson

Susan Ediger-Johnson

Awesome! The seminar flew by in no time! At the edge of our seats waiting for more!

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Connie Johnson

Connie Johnson

An entertainer with a powerful and powerfully-delivered message.

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Andy Imholte

Andy Imholte

By far the BEST keynote speaker our association has ever had! Never has our group enjoyed a speaker who held their attention and excitement so extraordinarily!

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Jay Nitz

Jay Nitz

Super speaker, illusionist and motivator!! A+!!!

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Harlan Rimmerman

Harlan Rimmerman

Billy Riggs is not just a master magician, but someone with a great message – how to do more business and become more successful. Billy’s presentation is very professional and he keeps everyone involved and active. You won’t stop laughing until the end!

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Bob Hughes

Bob Hughes

Captivating, informative and fun. The best thing I’ve seen in my whole entire life! I’ve been attending conferences for 30 years and hearing high-powered speakers. Billy Riggs is the best!

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Conny Rime

Conny Rime

Uplifting, inspiring, GREAT! Lots of fun! One good laugh after another. Lots to think about.

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