
Testimonial Category: Banks

Nicole Nore

Nicole Nore

Wonderful! Out of this world! Entertaining!

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Eric Nevitt

Eric Nevitt

Billy Riggs’ combination of magic, comedy, and business inspiration is fantastic!

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Cami Pecorak

Cami Pecorak

Billy, you were fantastic Monday night! Your presentation was spot-on with the message we wanted to convey to our colleagues! The fact that you did it with magic and humor was amazing! Thank you for working with us and making our event [all-employee meeting] such a success. I would certainly recommend you in the 5 […]

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Jeff Chapman

Jeff Chapman

Billy Riggs is the REAL DEAL! Even though our employee Christmas party was a comparatively small venue (90 people), Billy entertained us as though he were playing Caesar’s Palace. You won’t be disappointed!

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Ana Mangino

Ana Mangino

Phenomenal! Positive learning and a twist of fun. Keeps you on your toes the whole time. A great asset to our company.

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James Alexander

James Alexander

An evening with Billy Riggs will leave you and your employees mesmerized by the performance and moved by the message.

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Deborah Grant

Deborah Grant

The combination of the material and presentation will impact me and everyone I encounter for the rest of my life, because now I believe in myself!

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Jeff Wolff

Jeff Wolff

An exceptional evening of positive attitude and entertainment!

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Howard Cline

Howard Cline

Powerful message wrapped in a magical delivery! Thank you.

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