
Testimonial Category: Business Owners

Ed Faddoul

Ed Faddoul

A combination of showmanship and crisp lessons in the craft of selling that keeps the audience receptive and alert.

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Angela Cameron

Angela Cameron

Wonderfully uplifting program! Just what I needed in order to go back to work on Monday and be a better team leader.

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Brett Harrison

Brett Harrison

Billy Riggs interweaves his motivational message with the presentation so that our guests were both inspired and entertained. He’s got a big message, and an extremely valuable one, especially in today’s turbulent times. Billy was the highlight of our recent Financial Advisors’ conference, and I would highly recommend him for any event where serious, entrepreneurial […]

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Bill Tucker

Bill Tucker

Great show – fabulous message!!

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Dan Novak

Dan Novak

Really great! Lots of humor mixed with good business practices.

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Lynne Stephenson

Lynne Stephenson

Very entertaining. You made some excellent points re: customer service that I will use to improve our business.

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Brett Scarber

Brett Scarber

I can’t thank you enough. We are getting a lot of great feedback from the event. Everyone has had great things to say about you and the things they took from your presentation. We would absolutely love to have you back for future events.

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Linda Minde

Linda Minde

The best way of explaining great customer service. So entertaining!

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Brendan O’Reilly

Brendan O’Reilly

Excellent job. Keeping your mind and receptors open are key to life’s success. You helped by being the conduit.

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Lorna Shuman

Lorna Shuman

Great presentation good mix of magic, comedy, and helpful information. Best keynote speaker I’ve ever heard!

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