
Testimonial Category: Child Support Enforcement

Child Support Enforcement Clients

Child Support Enforcement Clients

• National Child Support Enforcement             Agency • California Family Support Council • Wisconsin Child Support Enforcement • Arkansas Child Support Enforcement Assn. • Michigan Family Independence Agency • Wisconsin Child Support Association • Stanislaus County Child Support                     Enforcement (CA) […]

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Sylvia Aldage-Newell

Sylvia Aldage-Newell

Wonderful, moved me to tears at points; remarkable, very honest, very true.

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Karen Young

Karen Young

You were excellent. I’m not a fan of the pep talk – yours was different and thought provoking – with nuggets to take back to the office.

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Barbara Millikan

Barbara Millikan

Fascinating! Energizing! Excellent! Mind-blowing! Great mix of entertainment, inspiration, and motivation.

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Catherine Whitworth

Catherine Whitworth

Wow! I was blown away!

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Ashleigh Webb

Ashleigh Webb

Wonderful motivational speaker. Very encouraging, very interactive. So much useful information.

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Darlene Sandberg

Darlene Sandberg

It was like being in a Las Vegas showroom, with a life lesson!

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Jodi Sobotka

Jodi Sobotka

Wonderful message woven through meaningful stories and mind blowing illusions!

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Jeff Allder

Jeff Allder

Great medicine for the psyche. Perfectly timed.

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Laura Partlow

Laura Partlow

A wonderful presentation for any organization – especially motivational and inspiring! Thank you!

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