
Testimonial Category: Colleges And Universities

Colleges that have booked Billy Riggs

Colleges that have booked Billy Riggs

• Texas A&M University • Asbury College • Campbell College • Cossatot Community College • Greenville College (Indiana) • Indiana Wesleyan University • San Bernardino Valley Community College • University of Texas at San Antonio • Crafton Hills Community College • El Camino Community College • Assn of California Community Colleges • Victor Valley Community […]

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David Van Houten

David Van Houten

Great program! You need to get this message to everyone!

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Maryann Cohan

Maryann Cohan

I loved the illusions and how Billy related them to our work. An excellent presentation!

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Nancy Quezedan

Nancy Quezedan

Extremely fun and entertaining. Most important, uplifting, and motivational.

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Mora Croarkin

Mora Croarkin

Crazy!? Awesome. You are so talented, funny, and amazing!! Than for the inspiration and hope for the upcoming school year!!

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Mandi Custer

Mandi Custer

Amazing! Very motivational, hilarious, busted me up! Very enjoyable. I wish we had invited more people.

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Doug Miller

Doug Miller

Amazingly captivating! Holds the audience throughout. Hits the mark with our message.

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Cindy Wickstrom

Cindy Wickstrom

Excellent presentation! It kept me on the edge of my seat watching Billy perform. It even touched my heart!

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Bob McKinley

Bob McKinley

Fantastic! Melds business and fun for a great meeting.

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Deborah Arnold

Deborah Arnold

Excellent, spellbound, impressed!

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