
Testimonial Category: Construction And Contractors

Kayla Keck

Kayla Keck

Very Entertaining. Really brought together important points while keeping us laughing.

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J. Betzold

J. Betzold

A great mix of fun and sales training!

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Ingrid George

Ingrid George

Level of enthusiasm, humor, audience involvement, and personal anecdotes and analogies made this one of the best seminars ever attended.

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Dan Novak

Dan Novak

Really great! Lots of humor mixed with good business practices.

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David Swanson

David Swanson

Maybe the best speaker I’ve ever seen! Great job, lots of energy, great balance of humor and message that your self image is your destiny!

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Very well put together and entertaining while being very informative. Extremely helpful and insightful! Something everyone can use every day!

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Lynne Stephenson

Lynne Stephenson

Very entertaining. You made some excellent points re: customer service that I will use to improve our business.

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Brett Scarber

Brett Scarber

I can’t thank you enough. We are getting a lot of great feedback from the event. Everyone has had great things to say about you and the things they took from your presentation. We would absolutely love to have you back for future events.

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Roger Kidner

Roger Kidner

A great way to learn and be reminded of what I already know with laughter.

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Linda Minde

Linda Minde

The best way of explaining great customer service. So entertaining!

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