
Testimonial Category: Encouraging!

Janet Williams

Janet Williams

Very enlightening speaker with positive input for the audience. Remained encouraging throughout and commanded the audience’s attention.

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Ashleigh Webb

Ashleigh Webb

Wonderful motivational speaker. Very encouraging, very interactive. So much useful information.

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Josh Wood

Josh Wood

Just when you think you have seen it all, more appears! Funny, entertaining, ENCOURAGING.

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Durenda McKinney

Durenda McKinney

Fantastic! Funny and encouraging. I feel recharged.

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Kim Jackson

Kim Jackson

Fantastic!! The best motivational program I’ve ever seen. And so encouraging!

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Bill McGuire

Bill McGuire

I have been told by my people that our “New Year Kickoff” was the best in 20 years in St. Helena. The main reason was the Keynote by Billy Riggs. “The Magic of Education” set a very positive tone for the entire 1st week. He said exactly what I hoped he would to launch the […]

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Dr. Veronica Guerra

Dr. Veronica Guerra

Billy Riggs’ speech to our 4,000 school district employees was entertaining, energetic, and encouraging. With his wit and words of wisdom, Billy re-lit a spark in our educators’ souls that is sure to result in a magical year for our students!

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Lee Miller

Lee Miller

Billy Riggs is a wonderful, encouraging and motivational speaker! His magic entertains as he motivates everyone to meet the needs of the students.

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Melinda Lyons

Melinda Lyons

Best back-to-school presentation since I’ve been here! (This is my 10th year). This type of encouragement and entertainment is truly refreshing.

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Stasia Long

Stasia Long

Very encouraging. Really makes you take a look at your life and go back to that moment in life that you gave up or shorted yourself and lost sight of what you could achieve. Makes me want to achieve more.

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