
Testimonial Category: Engineering

Engineering Clients

Engineering Clients

• PBS&J • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

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Randy Hewitt

Randy Hewitt

Great combination of entertainment, comedy, and motivational speaking.

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Monica Cepero

Monica Cepero

Inspiring, entertaining, a great reminder of what’s already inside us!

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Terry Horton

Terry Horton

Fantastic! Right when I needed it. Couldn’t be better. I’ve trained thousands of speakers over the past 20 years, and I can be very critical. But you are bar-none the best speaker I’ve ever heard.

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Drake Piper

Drake Piper

Fantastic – great content and makes the time fly by.

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Merrill Craig

Merrill Craig

An excellent mixture of humor, positive thinking, and success stories. VERY uplifting!

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Dean Fox

Dean Fox

Billy, Thanks!! Great presentation – you tailored it perfectly to our company and audience.

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Rebekah Bibbens

Rebekah Bibbens

You are a Godsend! Thank you for the much-needed inspiration and reminder to never give up!

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William C. Wilkins

William C. Wilkins

Sensational! Truly impressive.

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John Zumwalt

John Zumwalt

Just what our company needed! You’re the best I’ve ever seen.

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