
Testimonial Category: Entertainment & Amusements

Kevin Denver

Kevin Denver

Well done, entertaining and moving.

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Linda Minde

Linda Minde

The best way of explaining great customer service. So entertaining!

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Cathy Marchel

Cathy Marchel

Everyone is still talking about how amazing Billy was! He captured the crowd and kept them in their seats laughing the whole time. He is the most captivating, inspiring and talented entertainer we have ever been honored to have at our annual banquet (or in our community, for that matter). Absolutely first class!

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Shawn Campbell

Shawn Campbell

Spectacular show and talk. Best I’ve ever seen.

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Melissa Stagnaro

Melissa Stagnaro

A wonderful, fresh, and entertaining approach to inspiring exceptional customer service.

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Peter Gross

Peter Gross

Remarkable, inspirational, educational, hysterical.

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Shalimar Madrigal

Shalimar Madrigal

I particularly loved the illusion of the glass half full/empty. Very true, and very poignant – something to remember.

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Carolyn McKee

Carolyn McKee

Thank you! Wonderful presentation! We are blessed to be able to hear you.

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Ray Lawson

Ray Lawson

Excellent!!! The best I’ve ever seen!

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Gina Sokolich

Gina Sokolich

Incredible!! So funny! Really enjoyed how the serious talk was presented humorously.

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