
Testimonial Category: Executive Directors

Steve Gordon

Steve Gordon

Mr. Billy Riggs recently was the keynote speaker for our annual Idaho Funeral Service Association Convention. We could not have asked for a more timely topic than his presentation on attitude, and I could not have imagined a better presentation for [our] members. His humor and use of illusions made the presentation one of the […]

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Sue Rogers

Sue Rogers

It’s been a tremendous pleasure to be able to write this thank you letter to you! All of those who turned in an evaluation form rated you a “firewall 5” out of a possible 5! To the best of my knowledge, this has never happened at our convention. To say you hit a bull’s eye […]

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Bernie Dudek

Bernie Dudek

Could watch and listen to him for an entire day, no problem. I need my entire board to hear this.

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Janet Blomquist

Janet Blomquist

I don’t know where to begin to thank you! You were serious when needed, and then – quick as one of your illusions – had them in gales of laughter! You were the highlight of the evening, and I’m still getting calls and comments about your performance! You made it our best banquet ever!

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Richard F. Keenan

Richard F. Keenan

Thought-provoking, entertaining, thoroughly customized to our needs… your program was pertinent and meaningful to our members. 95% of our attendees rated your presentation as “excellent” I think those are the highest evaluations in the history of our annual convention!

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Rick Grapengater

Rick Grapengater

I’ve never seen anyone get a standing ovation from a bunch of CEOs like you did! It’s certainly never happened at our convention before!

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Kara Lacke

Kara Lacke

He was hilarious, inspiring, awesome, and touching! Billy Riggs recognized our pains and trials and lifted us up. His thought-provoking session left our members on the edges of their seats.

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Mary Bryans

Mary Bryans

Billy Riggs had a GREAT message for OACUBO, and we absolutely LOVED the magic!

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Archa Wachowicz

Archa Wachowicz

Combining feats of magic with advice on how to motivate and inspire others, Billy Riggs held an audience spellbound at the opening session of the NYSSBA in Buffalo.

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Bill McCausland

Bill McCausland

Not only were our Teachers of the Year entertained, they were moved by your remarks. We heard many RAVE reviews from teachers who left inspired and re-energized to go back to their own classrooms and strive for success by focusing not on themselves, but on the students. You were a voice of inspiration.

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