
Testimonial Category: Fairs, Festivals And Expos

Lonnie Steele

Lonnie Steele

Inspirational entertainment that was customized to apply to those who make the fairs successful in Michigan.

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Barbara Jones

Barbara Jones

It was very informative in a humorous way. Loved the magic tricks! One of the best speakers I have heard!

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Shalimar Madrigal

Shalimar Madrigal

I particularly loved the illusion of the glass half full/empty. Very true, and very poignant – something to remember.

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Carolyn McKee

Carolyn McKee

Thank you! Wonderful presentation! We are blessed to be able to hear you.

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Ray Lawson

Ray Lawson

Excellent!!! The best I’ve ever seen!

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Gina Sokolich

Gina Sokolich

Incredible!! So funny! Really enjoyed how the serious talk was presented humorously.

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