
Testimonial Category: Government Agencies

Government Agency Clients

Government Agency Clients

• The US Department of Justice • The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) National Conference, 2022 • The US Department of Defense • The U.S. Postal Service • The City of San Antonio, Texas • Florida Tax Collectors Association • Georgia Department of Education • California Association of County Treasurers      and Tax Collectors […]

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Yvette Nieto

Yvette Nieto

VERY FUNNY! Excellent. I just loved the message.

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Noel DeLeon

Noel DeLeon

If his presentation doesn’t help you, nothing will!

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Dan Grady

Dan Grady

Excellent presentation. Clear, entertaining and enlightening.

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Gavin Davis

Gavin Davis

Billy is the most amazing entertainer/MC that I have ever had the privilege of experiencing.

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Daniel Martinez

Daniel Martinez

Excellent! I couldn’t believe the names trick or the paper ball trick! Fantastic!!

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Sharon Smaga

Sharon Smaga

Thank you for refueling my passion and dream and for validating my desire to be so much greater than mediocre.

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Lisa McGrotty

Lisa McGrotty

I not only laughed my ass off, I got a sore neck nodding my head in agreement.

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Cathy Reed

Cathy Reed

I really enjoyed your presentation – very powerful and kept our attention. Loved the magic tricks, too. You are VERY good!

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Deanna Martin

Deanna Martin

I could sit and listen to him all day. Everything he spoke about hits the nail on the head. Will definitely take all this back and share with my team!

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