
Testimonial Category: Hospitals (See also "Healthcare")

Tata Chidelli

Tata Chidelli

One of the best conferences/talks I have ever attended. Keeps you awake and motivated throughout the entire conference.

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Cindy Wickstrom

Cindy Wickstrom

Excellent presentation! It kept me on the edge of my seat watching Billy perform. It even touched my heart!

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Connie Rutledge

Connie Rutledge

Your “show” was the best I have seen in 25 years in the health care business. Entertaining and uplifting.

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Martie Bickwermert

Martie Bickwermert

I laughed until I cried!

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Cindy Guckert

Cindy Guckert

Outstanding presentation! Very motivating, fascinating, and valuable information. One of the best programs I’ve ever seen.

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Rom Vaughn

Rom Vaughn

The most positive and uplifting presentation I’ve ever witnessed!

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Shannon Winegarner

Shannon Winegarner

Fabulously entertaining while reminding us of the essentials of positivity, attitude and loving kindness.

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Mary Helson

Mary Helson

Absolutely awesome presentation. Excellent motivational speaker.

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T. Quillen

T. Quillen

Energetic, Exciting, enlightening. An “E-Ticket” attraction!

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Susan Ray

Susan Ray

Billy captures the audience while inspiring them that life is what you make of it. Excellent presentation!!!!

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