
Testimonial Category: Life-changing!

Ken Bridgford

Ken Bridgford

Refocused and confirmed my own perceptions of myself so that I can start moving forward in my life all over again.

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Tom Leahy

Tom Leahy

Outstanding! You understand teachers and education. You have given me something I will use forever.

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Scott York

Scott York

Great presentation!! I was at the point of quitting, but now I’ll keep trying!

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Cyminthia Rogers

Cyminthia Rogers

I have sat through two of Mr. Riggs’ speaking events. Because of the “Grand Illusions” message my sales and attitude have sky-rocketed!

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Toya Phelps

Toya Phelps

Best speech I’ve EVER heard or seen. Very motivational and entertaining. Made me want to “start pushing life and stop letting life push me.”

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Meagan Melton

Meagan Melton

This presentation hit close to home. It was the BEST I have ever seen and it will affect my life forever. I took a lot home from it.

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Name Withheld

Name Withheld

Very funny, very together. Made a difference in my life that will be ongoing.

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Val Taffs

Val Taffs

You have given me a new look at how my job is done, but also my personal life. Very enlightening, amazing and entertaining! Thank you!

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Gaylene Higgins

Gaylene Higgins

Billy will light a fire under you that won’t burn out, using his suggested techniques in selling. He is wonderful. He is a master!

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John Gordon

John Gordon

Billy’s presentation was absolutely life impacting! The principles taught in the presentation were as powerful as the magic demonstrations.

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