
Testimonial Category: Moving, Touching, Poignant!

Victoria Rosario

Victoria Rosario

Very funny, but genuine and heartfelt.

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Princella Thomas

Princella Thomas

Very thorough, but yet funny. Life is precious and short, as you said. This was very touching. We all live under great illusions. Thanks for “disillusioning” me.

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James Alexander

James Alexander

An evening with Billy Riggs will leave you and your employees mesmerized by the performance and moved by the message.

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John Keating

John Keating

Billy combines magic, illusions, and humor to influence your mind, heart, and soul.

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Andrea Byrd

Andrea Byrd

Absolute excellence. Heartfelt and informative. Wonderful advice on life, profession and passion.

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Jim Crossetti

Jim Crossetti

We have had speakers at several conferences and no one has touched the audience as you did today, making key motivational points, as well.

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Shalimar Madrigal

Shalimar Madrigal

I particularly loved the illusion of the glass half full/empty. Very true, and very poignant – something to remember.

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Clint Sheffler

Clint Sheffler

Very moving presentation. Billy drives home the message that the power to succeed lies within oneself.

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