
Testimonial Category: Office Workers

Cheryl Schnell

Cheryl Schnell

Fabulous, unbelievable. Such talent.

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Jan Haney

Jan Haney

Absolutely fantastic motivational presentation with great humor. Kept the energy all the way.

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Maryann Cohan

Maryann Cohan

I loved the illusions and how Billy related them to our work. An excellent presentation!

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Nancy Quezedan

Nancy Quezedan

Extremely fun and entertaining. Most important, uplifting, and motivational.

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Rachel Barraza

Rachel Barraza

The magic tricks are a plus, not to mention the audience involvement. I loved his spunkiness and would definitely return for more!

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Mandi Custer

Mandi Custer

Amazing! Very motivational, hilarious, busted me up! Very enjoyable. I wish we had invited more people.

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Shannon Duquay

Shannon Duquay

Outstanding! Your humor and message were so enjoyable my face hurt when this presentation was over!

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Paula (Last Name Withheld)

Paula (Last Name Withheld)

Awesome! Enjoyed the balance between humor and a lesson in life! THANK YOU, BILLY!

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Sandra Myers

Sandra Myers

Awesome Speaker! Very touching and would like to attend again!

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Mareta Alspaugh

Mareta Alspaugh

The most entertaining magician-comedian-motivational speaker I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen quite a few!!

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