
Testimonial Category: Orthodontics

Angela Cameron

Angela Cameron

Wonderfully uplifting program! Just what I needed in order to go back to work on Monday and be a better team leader.

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Marilyn Joe

Marilyn Joe

Billy is most entertaining while being exceptionally informative. He connects with all people!!

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Brenda Thaxton

Brenda Thaxton

Very informative, but the treat was how entertaining Mr. Riggs is. The time flew as he had us laughing, learning and wondering how he did that!

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Tammy Bryson

Tammy Bryson

Information presented in such a way I could NOT fall asleep if I had wanted to!! Spellbinding AND useful – must be magic!

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Adeline Prophete

Adeline Prophete

Hilarious! Mind altering. Never a dull moment!

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Cassandra Parker

Cassandra Parker

Awesome! Entertaining. Informative. Motivational. A great experience!

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Leslie Allen

Leslie Allen

Smart, entertaining, VERY FUNNY. Lots of laughs. Just what I needed – laughs!

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Darlene Hull

Darlene Hull

Witty, informative, practical, educational and yet fun. This seminar will help us step out of the complacency we as an office staff have slipped into. We’re going back with our tool belt full of new tools. Yea!

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