
Testimonial Category: Petroleum & Oil Companies

Greg Plouff

Greg Plouff

Best advice anyone can get! The content was fabulous and beneficial.

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Terry Horton

Terry Horton

Fantastic! Right when I needed it. Couldn’t be better. I’ve trained thousands of speakers over the past 20 years, and I can be very critical. But you are bar-none the best speaker I’ve ever heard.

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Energy Company Clients

Energy Company Clients

• Chevron • Conoco Phillips • New England Gas Association • Western Petroleum Marketers Association • National Gas Compressors Association • Minnesota Power Company • Central Maine Power • Cornbelt Power, Iowa • Mississippi Petroleum Club • Institute of Electric and Electronic                 Engineers • Northeast Power, Arkansas […]

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Ken Bridgford

Ken Bridgford

Refocused and confirmed my own perceptions of myself so that I can start moving forward in my life all over again.

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Todd Gornick

Todd Gornick

Amazing magic, great energy and jokes. The best program I’ve ever seen! Awesome!

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Marleen De Loes

Marleen De Loes

Great fun and great nuggets! Excellent!!!

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Richard F. Keenan

Richard F. Keenan

Thought-provoking, entertaining, thoroughly customized to our needs… your program was pertinent and meaningful to our members. 95% of our attendees rated your presentation as “excellent” I think those are the highest evaluations in the history of our annual convention!

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Rick Grapengater

Rick Grapengater

I’ve never seen anyone get a standing ovation from a bunch of CEOs like you did! It’s certainly never happened at our convention before!

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Wendy Leighton

Wendy Leighton

Fantastic! Great way of delivering the training. Kept the audience engaged. You spooked me!! I’m going back to work now extremely motivated! Thank you!

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Gerald Tedrow

Gerald Tedrow

What a sensational program! You exceeded all of our expectations. Now I know why you were recommended to us so highly!

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