
Testimonial Category: Real Estate

Maureen Houston

Maureen Houston

Absolutely moving, encouraging, uplifting, and hilarious.

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Debra Long

Debra Long

You are fabulous, inspiring, and hilarious.

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Jay Nitz

Jay Nitz

Super speaker, illusionist and motivator!! A+!!!

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Angie Dickens

Angie Dickens

Great! Wonderful! Wow! Awe inspiring!

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Becky McKittich

Becky McKittich

You rock! I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!

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Kathryn Rouch

Kathryn Rouch

How do you do it! This was the best real estate seminar I’ve ever attended. I love the illusions! And excellent points about selling!

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Melissa Jarecke

Melissa Jarecke

Wonderful program! Motivational, informative and entertaining!!!

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Viviana Neet

Viviana Neet

Truly awe-inspiring and positively uplifting speaker. Mr. Riggs is not only eye opening, but mind opening too!

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Dearic Jackson

Dearic Jackson

Billy, You did a great job. One of the strongest messages I have heard at any sales rally. Thanks a bundle.

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Dwight Chen-Sony

Dwight Chen-Sony

Great job! Please request him again! Diverse, funny, and effective.

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