
Testimonial Category: Salespeople

Ron Brown

Ron Brown

Uses great humor to inspire. Fun and rewarding – outstanding!

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Bud Knight

Bud Knight

Outstanding! Humor, illusions, interactive presentation. THANKS for the sales boost! Maybe I can exceed my 221% this year!

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Mary Kay Ernst

Mary Kay Ernst

Very unique show! Kept my total attention. Love your humor – blended with good sales techniques! Best real estate training I’ve ever attended.

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Chrissy Cameron

Chrissy Cameron

Very entertaining, excellent, and GREAT information on sales/marketing.

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James Hermesch

James Hermesch

Billy, you are an amazing man! You have opened my mind and heart to the fact that my past will no longer hinder my present or my future! I am a changed man!

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Heide Mathews

Heide Mathews

You made me laugh! You made me cry! My own free will and how I choose to use it will now be at the forefront all the time! Loved it!

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Jan Nickerson

Jan Nickerson

Very inspiring! Very Funny. How did you do that?! Amazing. Maybe my manager will say the same thing with my sales this year!

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Elizabeth Marshall

Elizabeth Marshall

Fantastic, very motivational and extremely funny. Highly recommend to others.

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Danielle Noe

Danielle Noe

I am so impressed. Not only was the magic fantastic, but the message resonates with me on a personal and professional level.

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Maureen Houston

Maureen Houston

Absolutely moving, encouraging, uplifting, and hilarious.

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