
Testimonial Category: Salespeople

Debra Long

Debra Long

You are fabulous, inspiring, and hilarious.

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Paula Frazier

Paula Frazier

Truly inspirational. Billy’s techniques to involve the audience were extremely effective. You can’t leave his session in a bad mood.

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Name Withheld

Name Withheld

If this man’s name is not a household word in sales training, he should be! I ACTUALLY – AFTER A LIFETIME – I GOT IT!

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Rich Bare

Rich Bare

The absolute best program I’ve ever seen.

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Sammy Lanier

Sammy Lanier

The best I have ever seen! Very good – great – awesome – fun.

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Kevin DuPont

Kevin DuPont

The best motivational speaker I have ever seen or listened to.

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Drake Piper

Drake Piper

Fantastic – great content and makes the time fly by.

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Kristin Quackenbush

Kristin Quackenbush

I saw you about 9 years ago and listened to your message. I was young and new to my sales career. You inspired me! Your message so impacted me that now I’m one of the top reps and full of confidence and energy!

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Mike Langdon

Mike Langdon

Compelling message woven in a fabric of great entertainment. Memorable, practical challenge for sales excellence.

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Michael Conners

Michael Conners

The very best motivational program I’ve ever attended. Spectacular! A clear message through “disillusionment” gave our team a key tool for the toolbox.

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