
Testimonial Category: Salespeople

Judy Sandoval

Judy Sandoval

Best speaker and entertainer I have seen!

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Deb Taylor

Deb Taylor

Loved it! Excellent! The best I’ve ever seen!

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Nick Hussein

Nick Hussein

I could feel your energy and belief in life! Very entertaining and still delivered a positive message with great impact!!

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Terri Green

Terri Green

Billy Riggs was excellent!! He was extremely entertaining and relevant. I would recommend him for any organization.

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Peggy Brack

Peggy Brack

Uplifting! Entertaining! Well worth my time! I will use his insight and humor in my relationships.

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Stewart Ellis-Myers

Stewart Ellis-Myers

I have studied about every speaker in this industry, and I cannot think of anyone who even comes close to Billy Riggs’ skills. He blew me away!

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Name Withheld

Name Withheld

Makes me want to go out and sell, sell, sell!

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Gaylene Higgins

Gaylene Higgins

Billy will light a fire under you that won’t burn out, using his suggested techniques in selling. He is wonderful. He is a master!

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Kionda Antoine

Kionda Antoine

Very entertaining! Great comments on bringing sales to the next level, awesome stories and tricks to get the point across, too. The best program I’ve ever seen.

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Josh Wood

Josh Wood

Just when you think you have seen it all, more appears! Funny, entertaining, ENCOURAGING.

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