
Testimonial Category: School Paraprofessionals

Please Go to Billy’s Education Site!

Please Go to Billy’s Education Site!

You’re invited to view Billy Riggs’ website that is devoted entirely to Schools and Educators here.

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Gloria Mirabal

Gloria Mirabal

I think Billy is just AWESOME! I keep picking up my jaw from the floor – and laughing a lot! Well worth my time. Love it!

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Becky Mouser

Becky Mouser

I loved his enthusiasm and his heart for education. The “magic” ability is truly in me and in teaching.

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Irma Rodriguez

Irma Rodriguez

One of the best, best in-service meetings ever! Very motivational, interesting, AWESOME meeting!

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Neomi Vargas

Neomi Vargas

You gave me a reality check today. It’s important to believe in yourself and to remember that every time I go to work it’s because every student makes a difference and I MUST BELIEVE IN THEM!

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Dawn Biela

Dawn Biela

More than entertainment, Riggs is motivating and inspirational! The message is extremely relevant to my current work environment. I only wish my co-workers had heard it!

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Janet Lucero

Janet Lucero

Truly remarkable! FIVE STARS!!! I thoroughly enjoyed it. You are truly a dynamic speaker.

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Freda Gantt

Freda Gantt

I came with little to no expectations of this caliber of encouragement! Creative presentation! Excellent stories! Powerful entertainment! The best motivational speaker.

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Dianne Hargrave

Dianne Hargrave

Absolutely wonderful, entertaining and educational.

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Judy Miller

Judy Miller

Just what the doctor ordered! Enchanting and magical, what a great beginning to the end of the school year.

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