
Testimonial Category: School Paraprofessionals

April Farley

April Farley

The best speaker I’ve ever heard! Loved him!! Please bring him back! He’s awesome and totally hilarious!

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Sissy Moore

Sissy Moore

Just absolutely the best hour-and-a-half I’ve spent in a LONG time!

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Abbie Cumbie

Abbie Cumbie

This was a wonderful mixture of humor, magic, and good common sense that can be directly applied in the classroom.

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Susan Lara

Susan Lara

I enjoyed it immensely! It was very motivational, positive messages were awesome and inspiring and I enjoyed the laughter. My passion for what I do was reawakened!

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Ignacia Lucero

Ignacia Lucero

This is the second time I’ve heard Mr. Riggs, and his presentations are always breathtaking!

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