
Testimonial Category: Small Businesses & their Owners

Jay Nitz

Jay Nitz

Super speaker, illusionist and motivator!! A+!!!

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Bob Hughes

Bob Hughes

Captivating, informative and fun. The best thing I’ve seen in my whole entire life! I’ve been attending conferences for 30 years and hearing high-powered speakers. Billy Riggs is the best!

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Conny Rime

Conny Rime

Uplifting, inspiring, GREAT! Lots of fun! One good laugh after another. Lots to think about.

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Gavin Davis

Gavin Davis

Billy is the most amazing entertainer/MC that I have ever had the privilege of experiencing.

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John Maisel

John Maisel

Billy Riggs captivates his audience with both his charisma and his wisdom. Joyfully, they take away his sense of purpose and wonder.

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Byron Nelson

Byron Nelson

Simply amazing, seriously inspiring.

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Name Withheld

Name Withheld

If this man’s name is not a household word in sales training, he should be! I ACTUALLY – AFTER A LIFETIME – I GOT IT!

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Scott Vaughan

Scott Vaughan

Excellent! Wow! Best I’ve seen — maybe ever, anywhere. Inspiring!

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Angie Morgan

Angie Morgan

So entertaining I forgot I was learning!

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Becky McKittich

Becky McKittich

You rock! I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!

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