
Testimonial Category: Small Businesses & their Owners

Craig Peters

Craig Peters

The most entertaining public speaker I have ever seen!

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Reva Kussmaul

Reva Kussmaul

Interesting, exciting, stimulating, and funny. Especially challenging since he was the last speaker of the 3 days.

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Nicole Steel

Nicole Steel

The most useful session I have ever been to. Very capable of holding attention. Really feel like I learned something.

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Bob McKinley

Bob McKinley

Fantastic! Melds business and fun for a great meeting.

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Ed Faddoul

Ed Faddoul

A combination of showmanship and crisp lessons in the craft of selling that keeps the audience receptive and alert.

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Angela Cameron

Angela Cameron

Wonderfully uplifting program! Just what I needed in order to go back to work on Monday and be a better team leader.

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Lynne Stephenson

Lynne Stephenson

Very entertaining. You made some excellent points re: customer service that I will use to improve our business.

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Linda Minde

Linda Minde

The best way of explaining great customer service. So entertaining!

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Sharon Kinsey

Sharon Kinsey

The most entertaining, audience-captivating speaker I’ve ever seen.

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