
Testimonial Category: Teachers (See School Teachers)

R. C. Salinas

R. C. Salinas

Excellent presentation! In my 44 years of teaching, this has been the best. Keep up your good work.

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Beckie Truitt

Beckie Truitt

Billy is very inspirational and he makes you look deep within to remind yourself that all is possible if you believe and that you can make a difference.

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Caroline Boles

Caroline Boles

Billy Riggs is the best speaker I have ever heard! He motivated me!

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Chan Huff

Chan Huff

Your show is the bomb! I felt tears well up in my eyes often.

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Diana Hill

Diana Hill

It’s almost impossible to hold the attention of this many teachers – and a standing ovation yet!

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Jean D’Angelo

Jean D’Angelo

Great program. You made me dig deep into my soul for why I am a teacher.

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Baybee Williams

Baybee Williams

Please come back next year. We need a steady diet of Billy Riggs!

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Diana Tucker

Diana Tucker

One of the BEST motivational speeches I’ve ever had the privilege of hearing.

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Phyllis Lard

Phyllis Lard

Best presenter we have ever had! Worth paying to see – what a treat!

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Liz Kitzman

Liz Kitzman

Fantastic, direct, hilarious, heartfelt. He gets to the core of education.

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