
Testimonial Category: Teachers (See School Teachers)

Beth Bogue

Beth Bogue

Thanks for reminding our staff that you must have purpose and a focus to our cause – educating students.

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Brendi Karlorec

Brendi Karlorec

The best in-service we’ve ever had! Wonderful program. Gave me things to think about not only in the classroom but also in my home with my children and husband.

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Robert Brunk

Robert Brunk

Exciting, high energy, the guy who sat next to me usually never stops talking but this time he was captivated! Great job.

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Merl Abel

Merl Abel

The time flew by but the lessons will last for many years to come. Great motivational program.

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Karen Meeh

Karen Meeh

I’ve seen this speaker on PBS; he is very impressive on TV and in person – WOW! What insight, used in an awesome way to help so many people. Thanks!

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Emily Blanton

Emily Blanton

Great motivational in-service! Really makes me excited to start back!

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Linda Whisenant

Linda Whisenant

Relevant, entertaining, uplifting and memorable.

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Melissa Johnson

Melissa Johnson

A presentation that appeals to even the most A.D.D. teacher! (You know the ones I mean!)

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Cheryl Humphries

Cheryl Humphries

Very compelling. You motivated me to be better than I’ve ever been before. The best program I’ve ever seen at an in-service.

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Vicki Scarborough

Vicki Scarborough

Hysterically relevant!

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