
Testimonial Category: Useful, Practical, Informative, Helpful, Meaningful, Educational!

Janet Huckabee

Janet Huckabee

I found this very rewarding and I needed to hear it.

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John Maisel

John Maisel

Billy Riggs captivates his audience with both his charisma and his wisdom. Joyfully, they take away his sense of purpose and wonder.

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Name Withheld

Name Withheld

If this man’s name is not a household word in sales training, he should be! I ACTUALLY – AFTER A LIFETIME – I GOT IT!

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Drake Piper

Drake Piper

Fantastic – great content and makes the time fly by.

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Mike Langdon

Mike Langdon

Compelling message woven in a fabric of great entertainment. Memorable, practical challenge for sales excellence.

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Doris Wood

Doris Wood

Heaven sent… a breath of fresh air… could not have been better, practical “how-to” tips that seasoned and new distributors could use immediately, great. Entertaining and content-rich!

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Coralie Thomas

Coralie Thomas

I now have valuable tools to use in my career and life.

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Leslie Mooney

Leslie Mooney

You were very informative and very funny. The best motivational program I’ve ever seen.

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Carolyn Varner

Carolyn Varner

Presented a real world insight. Very inspiring speaker. You can see yourself in situations and he is a good communicator, too. This was the best program we’ve ever had at our convention.

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Miranda Reynolds

Miranda Reynolds

I could relate to a lot of what Billy said. He made it fun, informational and truly enjoyable. Definitely a wonderful motivator!

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