
Testimonial Category: Useful, Practical, Informative, Helpful, Meaningful, Educational!

Ken Bridgford

Ken Bridgford

Refocused and confirmed my own perceptions of myself so that I can start moving forward in my life all over again.

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Kathryn Rouch

Kathryn Rouch

How do you do it! This was the best real estate seminar I’ve ever attended. I love the illusions! And excellent points about selling!

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Tom Leahy

Tom Leahy

Outstanding! You understand teachers and education. You have given me something I will use forever.

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Jean D’Angelo

Jean D’Angelo

Great program. You made me dig deep into my soul for why I am a teacher.

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Sue Gottschalk

Sue Gottschalk

Inspiring. A no-nonsense approach to motivating teachers that de-mystifies requirements for good teaching.

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Dennis Snyder

Dennis Snyder

Very informative! I received useful thoughts and ideas to help me perform my job and interact with my employers every day.

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Elaine Hunt

Elaine Hunt

You knocked their socks off! The evaluations rated your session the highest of 14 we had during the conference! …stuff they could apply to their work instantly.

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Sandy Brown

Sandy Brown

Made me think about how I supervise my employees and how I need to change.

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Lisa Hughes

Lisa Hughes

Awesome, engaging, motivational, down to earth, entertaining, educational.

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Krystal Williams

Krystal Williams

He really said profound things and gave me a lot to think about in a funny way. I thought he was great. The best program I’ve ever seen.

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