
Testimonial Category: Useful, Practical, Informative, Helpful, Meaningful, Educational!

Cyminthia Rogers

Cyminthia Rogers

I have sat through two of Mr. Riggs’ speaking events. Because of the “Grand Illusions” message my sales and attitude have sky-rocketed!

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Name Withheld

Name Withheld

Engaging, funny, kept my interest. Presented ideas and concepts truly relevant to my role with the company that will help me continue to bring value in my occupation.

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Dwayne Ruff

Dwayne Ruff

Excellent, funny, and informative. Very entertaining.

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Cassandra Vaughn

Cassandra Vaughn

Great presentation! Very talented man. I could relate to everything he said. I’m so excited to take back all the positive things to the office!!!

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Toya Phelps

Toya Phelps

Best speech I’ve EVER heard or seen. Very motivational and entertaining. Made me want to “start pushing life and stop letting life push me.”

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Jim Hezel

Jim Hezel

Without a doubt the best and most amazing presentation I have seen. Funny, and also very useful info.

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Meagan Melton

Meagan Melton

This presentation hit close to home. It was the BEST I have ever seen and it will affect my life forever. I took a lot home from it.

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Julie Brown

Julie Brown

One of the best we’ve ever had [at our convention]. Entertaining but with tools to take back to improve our careers.

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Kasey Oliver

Kasey Oliver

WOW! Every point that could’ve been hit was! Kept my attention.

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Michelle Pullen

Michelle Pullen

This was the best show I have ever seen. I want to go right out and use what I have learned.

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