
Testimonial Category: Utilities

Energy Company Clients

Energy Company Clients

• Chevron • Conoco Phillips • New England Gas Association • Western Petroleum Marketers Association • National Gas Compressors Association • Minnesota Power Company • Central Maine Power • Cornbelt Power, Iowa • Mississippi Petroleum Club • Institute of Electric and Electronic                 Engineers • Northeast Power, Arkansas […]

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Connie Hayward

Connie Hayward

You are my idol! Keep doing what you’re doing! I love the glass-half-full illusion. I’ll use it every day.

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Marshall Shirley

Marshall Shirley

Great truth! “Your attitude determines your altitude!”

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Lisa Langevin

Lisa Langevin

Loved the message and the magic portion to highlight the points. The magic will keep the points foremost in my mind!

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Lucy Pena

Lucy Pena

Mr. Riggs was fantastic!!!

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Leslie Samora

Leslie Samora

I enjoyed your humor and your enthusiasm! Your program made me feel inspired and happy. Thank you!!

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Janet Blomquist

Janet Blomquist

I don’t know where to begin to thank you! You were serious when needed, and then – quick as one of your illusions – had them in gales of laughter! You were the highlight of the evening, and I’m still getting calls and comments about your performance! You made it our best banquet ever!

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Kathy Davis

Kathy Davis

Wonderful! A unique and entertaining way of getting a message across without the audience getting bored – fun and informative at the same time!

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Melvin Squyres

Melvin Squyres

Really enjoyed your program. An excellent blend of illusion, humor, and motivation. Would love to see again!

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Becki Griffin

Becki Griffin

A WONDERFUL job of incorporating magic into excellent customer service!!

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