
Testimonial Category: Utilities

Mike Kuck

Mike Kuck

Great out-of-the-box type approach to entertainment and character building is delightful.

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Kay Fox

Kay Fox

In a world of skeptics, you refreshed our minds and attitudes. Excellent program!!

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Charles Rice

Charles Rice

Sooooo Inspirational!!!

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William Kirven

William Kirven

It was totally awesome!!! Could not have been better!! I’m ready to RUN back to work now. I wish it could go on another hour or two!!

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Ella de la Rosa

Ella de la Rosa

ALL cooperatives should have you as a speaker!!! Great presentation!

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Ronnie Rains

Ronnie Rains

Very interesting way to teach. Held my attention from start to finish!!

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Dave Osborne

Dave Osborne

Very different and innovative. Great message.

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Gloria Hidalgo

Gloria Hidalgo

Absolutely right! Very interesting and just as well, entertaining. Got in from Houston at 4:00 am this morning, but not once did I fall asleep or even yawn! Got the message across.

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Abbie Bohlen

Abbie Bohlen

A wonderful reminder of keeping a positive attitude and how much better our lives would be for it!

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Catherine Poppe

Catherine Poppe

Wonderful!! Uplifting!

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