
Testimonial Category: Human Resources And Staffing

Toya Phelps

Toya Phelps

Best speech I’ve EVER heard or seen. Very motivational and entertaining. Made me want to “start pushing life and stop letting life push me.”

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Debra Freeman

Debra Freeman

Fabulous! Thank you for rejuvenating the attitude of a seasoned recruiter!

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Jim Hezel

Jim Hezel

Without a doubt the best and most amazing presentation I have seen. Funny, and also very useful info.

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Kristine Kinney

Kristine Kinney

The presentation was a good mix of serious content with entertainment. I would love to have Billy present to our organization.

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Meagan Melton

Meagan Melton

This presentation hit close to home. It was the BEST I have ever seen and it will affect my life forever. I took a lot home from it.

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Mary Mycka

Mary Mycka

Congratulations! Some of my toughest customers just ran up to me and said you were the best presentation we’ve ever had at our convention!

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Katrina Hatchett

Katrina Hatchett

This was amazing. Your words are truly inspirational!! Thank you for coming to the 2015 PPI retreat!

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Dawn Macleod

Dawn Macleod

I laughed so hard I wanted to disappear! But the testimony was incredible.

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Mary Ann Waite

Mary Ann Waite

I laughed and I cried! It was the most moving 1.5 hours! I highly recommend Billy to any organization.

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Debbie Court

Debbie Court

Billy is beyond awesome. Very refreshing!

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