
Testimonial Category: Salespeople

Billy Burow

Billy Burow

The whole presentation was the best I’ve ever witnessed. Excellent + + + +!

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Cyminthia Rogers

Cyminthia Rogers

I have sat through two of Mr. Riggs’ speaking events. Because of the “Grand Illusions” message my sales and attitude have sky-rocketed!

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Cynthia Cook

Cynthia Cook

Funny! Kept things moving. Kept my interest and had excellent things to think about.

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Jaimie Martin

Jaimie Martin

The speaker was very captivating. I have seen many sales speeches and this will be the one I remember.

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Agnesa Bakhsyan

Agnesa Bakhsyan

I have been up since 4 am, but was alert and entertained during the whole presentation! It really was the best motivational presentation I’ve ever seen.

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Sean K. Miller

Sean K. Miller

Great job of mixing in the message of being a professional salesperson, thinking bigger, having a fire in your belly, the glass half full and positive attitude plus delivering A+ service.

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Natalie Ryan

Natalie Ryan

One of the best speakers I’ve heard at a kick-off meeting. The most motivating program I’ve ever heard.

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Rebecca Huddle

Rebecca Huddle

The only word I can think of to describe Billy Riggs is “WOW!” He has the whole package. One minute he has you crying, the next minute laughing, and the magic is incredible. You leave believing you can accomplish anything! He did an amazing job with magic and inspiration and I am still getting rave […]

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Mary Ann Waite

Mary Ann Waite

I laughed and I cried! It was the most moving 1.5 hours! I highly recommend Billy to any organization.

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Debbie Court

Debbie Court

Billy is beyond awesome. Very refreshing!

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